Well it's been a while. Last time we were up at the boat I was having connectivity problems with my 02 dongle i.e. it wouldn't! Continual "no network available" messages, even in places where I'd had one before. Back home, a trip to the 02 shop and a chat with their instore "guru" lead to the conclusion by him that it "is not working". Gee I'd never had guessed. It was sent away for repair and eventually a new one was despatched. Well guess what guru? No network available! Luckily, having taken advice from fellow boater, Terry of NB Coracle, who moors nearby, I had equipped myself with a T mobile dongle, as apparently, they actually have coverage in this area. (Staffordshire). Interestingly I did explain to the 02 assistant when I purchased the first one where and how I intended to use it, but nobody told me they had virtually zero coverage in this area. Wonder what the job spec is for being a guru? So now on my 3rd dongle and reconnected to the blogosphere.
Getting boat ready to overwinter, touching up scraped paintwork, and enjoying the slanting winter autumn sunshine and the comfort of the woodburner in the evenings. Life is good.